The Influence of Human, Organization, and Technological Factors on User Satisfaction of the MCH E-Cohort Application in Jambi (Case Study of Jambi City Puskesmas)


  • Ghinanissa Azzahra Dustar Diponegoro University
  • Sri Achadi Nugraheni Diponegoro University
  • Cahya Tri Purnami Diponegoro University



HOT-Fit Model, MCH E-Cohort, User Satisfaction


The study aims to determine the direct influence of Human, Organizational, and Technological Factors on Maternal and Child Health (MCH) e-Cohort user satisfaction. This type of research is quantitative research using SEM-PLS. using primary data with a total sampling of 78 respondents from twenty health centers in Jambi City. The results showed that there was a direct relationship between Human and Technological factors on MCH e-cohort user satisfaction at the Jambi City Health Center, and there was no relationship between Organization and MCH e-cohort user satisfaction at the Jambi City Health Center


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How to Cite

Dustar, G. A., Sri Achadi Nugraheni, & Purnami, C. T. . (2024). The Influence of Human, Organization, and Technological Factors on User Satisfaction of the MCH E-Cohort Application in Jambi (Case Study of Jambi City Puskesmas). Jurnal Multidisiplin Madani, 4(1), 57–62.