Women Representation through Selected Poems of Maya Angelou


  • Jeremiah Tañamor Gordon College
  • Aeros Raphael Morales Gordon College
  • Heart Magsombol Gordon College
  • April Mae Bello Gordon College
  • Princess Doreen Aquipel Gordon College
  • Shamaiah Bontog
  • Realine Jane Deniega Gordon College
  • Jasper Andrei Silvido




Women, Feminism, Motherhood, Maya Angelou, Poems


The paper aimed to study the representations of women in the selected poems of Maya Angelou. The researchers utilized qualitative textual analysis and close reading methods in analyzing the poems through feminism. The results of the researchers' analysis of the selected poems of Maya Angelou emphasized the representation of women per poem: a slave, an outcast, and a mother. The findings of this study encompassed the importance of utilizing feminist approach in analyzing poems to appreciate and empower women against societal expectations and personal challenges in different complexities of life. The researchers suggest exploring more literature from the perspective of feminism to provide further information about other representations of women


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How to Cite

Jeremiah Tañamor, Aeros Raphael Morales, Heart Magsombol, April Mae Bello, Princess Doreen Aquipel, Shamaiah Bontog, Realine Jane Deniega, & Jasper Andrei Silvido. (2024). Women Representation through Selected Poems of Maya Angelou. Jurnal Multidisiplin Madani, 4(11), 1664–1675. https://doi.org/10.55927/mudima.v4i11.9401