The Effect of Profitability, Capital Structure, Company Size and Liquidity on Company Value
Company value, profitability, capital structure, company size, liquidityAbstract
This study has a specific purpose to conduct an analysis related to profitability, capital structure, company value, and liquidity that can affect the value of a company specifically related to the property and real estate sector which has been officially listed on the IDX for the period 2020 to 2022. This study involvea purposive sampling-based method, where corporations that meet the sampling criteria for a sample of 27 companies are involved. The data analysis used was the regenrency of the data analysis panel. while E-Views 12 is used for data processing. involved for the purpose of processing data intended for research purposes. Tracing the findings of this research results shows that profitability does not bring influence or effects related to company value, capital structure also does not bring influence related to company value, continuing to the size of the company actually brings influence but with negative properties related to company value, while liquidity also does not bring influence related to company value.