Development of Game-Based Learning Media Quiz Using Construct 2 in Science Subjects for Grade V Elementary School Students
Construct, Game Quiz, Learning Media, Research and Development, ScienceAbstract
The use of learning media is very important for students for the learning process where learning media functions as an intermediary to convey messages or information to students. In this study, the media developed was a construct 2-based educational game as a supporting media for student learning. This development research aims to determine the level of validity and practicality of the quiz game media. This study uses a Research and Development approach using the PPE (Planning, Production, Evaluation) model. The instruments used to measure the validity and practicality of the quiz game media are validation sheets and teacher and student response questionnaire sheets. The results of the study showed that the validation results from the media expert validator obtained a percentage of 78.3% with a valid category. The material expert validator obtained a percentage of 83.3% with a valid category. The practicality test of the quiz game media conducted by the grade V teacher obtained a percentage of 95% with a practical category for use and the practicality test of the grade V student responses obtained a percentage of 71.4% with a practical category. Thus, the quiz game media in science learning for grade V that was developed is stated to be valid and practical. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the quiz game learning media based on construct 2 on science material is feasible and interesting to be used as a learning medium.