Effectiveness of Local Wisdom-Based Differentiation Strategies in Tourism Destination Development: Study in the Lake Toba Tourism Area
Tourism Destination Development, Local Wisdom, Differentiation Strategy, Sustainable TourismAbstract
Tourism plays an important role in sustainable development by promoting cultural and environmental preservation. However, the rapid development of tourism also presents significant challenges related to the sustainability, competitiveness, and differentiation of tourism destinations. This study aims to understand the effectiveness of local wisdom-based differentiation strategies in developing tourism destinations in the Lake Toba by focusing on the integration of local cultural to increase destination attractiveness and local community involvement. This study uses a mixed methods method, combining in-depth interviews with local communities and tourist surveys. The research sample consisted of 30 local respondents and 384 tourists using purposive sampling techniques and data analysis was carried out using thematic analysis and ANOVA tests. The results of the study show that local wisdom play an important role in improving tourist experience and satisfaction. This shows that local wisdom-based differentiation strategies are effective in increasing the attractiveness of Lake Toba.
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