Historical Traces and Cultural Values of Palembang's Traditional Culinary Heritage as an Indonesian Cultural Icon


  • Anastasia Clarisa Sadono Universitas Negeri Jakarta




Culinary, Pempek, Palembang, Traditional, Cultural


This research aims to explore the history and cultural value of Pempek, a traditional Palembang food which has become an icon of Indonesian culture using qualitative literature study methods. Through a historical and ethnographic approach, this study reveals the origins of Pempek, the development of the recipe, and its role in the lives of the people of Palembang. This research also highlights the contribution of Pempek in strengthening local and national cultural identity. It is hoped that the research results will increase appreciation of Pempek as a culinary heritage, encourage the preservation of culinary traditions, and provide insight into the tourism industry and cultural education in Indonesia. This research contributes to cultural preservation and strengthening national identity through understanding and appreciation of traditional culinary heritage.


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How to Cite

Anastasia Clarisa Sadono. (2023). Historical Traces and Cultural Values of Palembang’s Traditional Culinary Heritage as an Indonesian Cultural Icon. Indonesian Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, 2(1), 117–132. https://doi.org/10.55927/wakatobi.v2i1.9775


