Arrangement of Fisherman Settlement Areas in Tolitoli


  • Dwi Purnomo Dosen Program Studi Teknik Arsitektur Universitas Madako



Arrangement, Area, Settlements, Fishermen


The Dede port area gave birth to a long new reclamation around the shoreline of the city of Tolitoli which is planned to become a modern settlement. The problem is "How to create an integrated residential area for fishermen that is able to accommodate all fishermen's life activities starting from a place to live to a place to work in one built environment". Tolitoli through providing integrated, safe and comfortable residential facilities for fishermen who live around the coast of Dede Port, which will attract private parties to invest and carry out business activities, not only that it is hoped that in the future the design object will be able to assist the government in providing an identity picture the city of Tolitoli which will be known to the outside world as well as the people of the city of Tolitoli. The research method uses architectural design methods, identifying data, primary data, secondary data linked in the analysis between primary and secondary data. Furthermore, giving responses to the problems and potential that have been determined with the design concept so as to produce a design recommendation. The arrangement of the Fisherman Settlement Area in Tolitoli is a residential area which functions as a channel for activities carried out for refreshment. The arrangement of the Fisherman Settlement Area in Tolitoli offers an interesting function that contributes to better environmental quality


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How to Cite

Dwi Purnomo. (2023). Arrangement of Fisherman Settlement Areas in Tolitoli. Asian Journal of Mechatronics and Electrical Engineering, 2(1), 1–18.