Synergies and Challenges: Exploring the Intersection of Embedded Systems and Computer Architecture in the Era of Smart Technologies


  • Ashif Mohammad Deputy Station Engineer, Bangladesh Betar, Dhaka
  • Rimi Das Graduate Teaching Assistant, MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Idaho State University
  • Farhana Mahjabeen Assistant Radio Engineer, Bangladesh Betar, Dhaka



Embedded Systems, Computer Architecture, Smart Technologies


The reconciliation of specific equipment gas pedals with productive programming calculations is significant for accomplishing ideal execution in asset-compelled implanted frameworks. This paper investigates different systems and philosophies utilized in co-plan, stressing the requirement for a harmonious connection among equipment and programming parts to open the maximum capacity of brilliant innovations. The difficulties faced at this crossing point are complex. Power utilization represents a considerable requirement, requiring creative arrangements in both implanted frameworks and PC engineering to guarantee energy-effective activity. Ongoing handling requests further add intricacy, requiring cautious thought of compromises between execution and power utilization. Moreover, the requirement for interoperability and normalization in the plan of implanted frameworks and PC models presents a diligent test, requiring cooperative endeavours across businesses to lay out durable systems.


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How to Cite

Mohammad, A., Das, R., & Mahjabeen, F. (2024). Synergies and Challenges: Exploring the Intersection of Embedded Systems and Computer Architecture in the Era of Smart Technologies. Asian Journal of Mechatronics and Electrical Engineering, 2(2), 105–120.