Representation of Women in Occupying Top Level Management (Esselon II) Level Positions in the City Government of Palangka Raya, Central Borneo-Indonesia
Top Level Management, Esselon II, Women's RepresentationAbstract
In national life, women also have the right to occupy high positions (Top Level Management positions) in their work environment. As civil servants (PNS) women have the right to be able to study esslon II positions. Patriarchal culture makes women seen as unable to carry out their duties as leaders/to occupy high positions at the top level management, because women are seen as weaker than men, women are seen as unable to make decisions wisely because they are too sensitive and emotional. Palangka Raya City is one of the regions in Indonesia that has a good gender development index (GDI). The number of female Civil Servants (PNS) in Palangka Raya City is more than 50% percent of the total Civil Servants (PNS) in Palangka Raya City. However, structurally, the leadership in the City Government of Palangka Raya is still dominated by men. Departing from the patriarchal culture of women occupying high positions and these facts, the representation of women in top level management (Esselon II) positions in the City Government of Palangka Raya is studied using qualitative research methods using a descriptive approach. Data collection was carried out by observing and reviewing documents obtained from agencies within the Palangka Raya City Government and from several relevant sources such as journals and internet media. From the data obtained, it can be concluded that more than 70% of female Civil Servants (PNS) within the Municipal Government of Palangka Raya have the opportunity to occupy high positions. However, of all Civil Servants (PNS) within the City Government of Palangka Raya, as many as 40% of female Civil Servants (PNS) met the requirements set by the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform to occupy Esselon II positions, and succeeded in occupying Esselon II positions.
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