Training on Determining Competitive Selling Prices Towards Digitalization of Marketing in Home Industries in Muara Penimbung Village
Digitalization, UMKM, Selling PricesAbstract
This dedication is motivated by the rapid flow of globalization making technological developments towards digital increasingly rapid. This is an opportunity that can be exploited by business actors to penetrate the digital marketing market and competitive selling prices. Price is one of the determinants of product selection which will later influence purchasing interest. Apart from that, introducing digital marketing is no less important for Songket UMKM in Muara Penimbung, especially so that their products are widely known to the public at competitive selling prices. Based on the results of the service, it can be concluded that the people of Muara Penimbung Village have the ability to determine competitive selling prices for their songket products and can market them on social media by including product specifications.
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