Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): August 2023

					View Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): August 2023
Published: 2023-08-31


  • Optimizing Village Potential Through Kukerta Building Villages to Improve the Quality of Education, Health and Economy in Laksamana Village

    239 - 244
  • Podcast Making Training as Creative Teaching Media For SDI Al Hakim Boyolangu Tulungagung Teachers

    173 - 182
  • Education on the Importance of Waste Sorting at SDN 009 Simpang Kubu as an Effort to Control Waste

    303 - 310
  • UNRI Kukerta Service in Gunung Sari Village: Geospatial-Based Mapping in Gunung Sari Village

    225 - 232
  • The Influence of Implementing Contextual Learning in Science Subjects Through an Outdoor Learning Approach on the Learning Motivation of Class V Students at SD Negeri 009 Teluk Pauh

    285 - 292
  • Improving the Literacy Skills of Children in Kijang Jaya Village Through Competitions to Commemorate National Children's Day

    217 - 224
  • Counseling on Making Economical Dishwashing Soap to Educate the Rimba Sekampung Community

    277 - 284
  • Socialization of the Role of Face-Based Communication in the Improvement of Students at SDN Alalak Utara 3 in Banjarmasin

    201 - 208
  • Ecobric Sofa Making Training at MA Mamba'ul Hisan Sidayu Gresik

    331 - 340
  • Utilization of School Facilities for Literacy and Numeracy Displays

    245 - 250
  • Reforestation by Planting Seeds Around Flood-Prone Areas

    183 - 190
  • Monday's Flag Ceremony Activities as a Representation of Love For the Homeland and Improving Character Education for All Students in Village Pulau Cawan

    311 - 320
  • Riau University Community KKN Service in Parit I/II Village, Sungai Apit District, Siak Regency

    233 - 238
  • Implementation of Disaster Mitigation in Titian Modang Kopah Village

    293 - 302
  • Training on Making Compost Fertilizer from Organic Kitchen Waste in Liang Banir Village, Siak Kecil District, Bengkalis Regency

    251 - 258
  • Efforts to Utilize Organic Waste Through Compost Making Training in Batang Duku Village

    267 - 276
  • Optimizing Digital Marketing at IWAPI (Indonesian Women Entrepreneurs Association) DPC Depok

    209 - 216
  • Regional Mapping in Potential Development of the Koto Benai Tourism Village

    259 - 266
  • Training on Determining Competitive Selling Prices Towards Digitalization of Marketing in Home Industries in Muara Penimbung Village

    191 - 200
  • Analysis of Increasing the Income of Rice Farmers in Pulau Sarak Village Through the Use of Biosaka in 2021-2022

    321 - 330