Monday's Flag Ceremony Activities as a Representation of Love For the Homeland and Improving Character Education for All Students in Village Pulau Cawan


  • Chairul Mukiyat Universitas Riau
  • Jaiman Universitas Riau
  • M. Erizman Hirdi Prayogo Universitas Riau
  • Norma Yanti Universitas Riau
  • Lu’lu’atul Latifah Universitas Riau
  • Norita Dwi Anggari Aruan Universitas Riau
  • Illya Sepridiana Universitas Riau
  • Herma Ria sari Universitas Riau
  • Viola Yolanda Fausanah Universitas Riau
  • Safira Universitas Riau



Flag Ceremony, Character Education, Love of the Country, Formation of Student Character


The flag ceremony on Monday at the Pulau Cawan Village school has an important role in shaping students' character and fostering love of the country. Through this activity, students learn values ​​such as discipline, responsibility and national spirit. The flag ceremony also builds a sense of togetherness in the community, reminds the importance of the country, and respects national symbols. However, the flag ceremony has not been fully successful in forming students' character because there are still violations of the rules and regulations. The research results show that the flag ceremony shapes students' character in terms of discipline, responsibility, national spirit and self-confidence. However, some students still do not fully have self-awareness in following the applicable rules. Factors such as the implementation of ceremonies that have not been optimal and the lack of role models from teachers also influence the effectiveness of flag ceremonies in shaping student character. Nevertheless, the flag ceremony remains an important effort in educating students' character and fostering love for their country. With improved implementation and a better role for teachers, flag ceremonies can be more effective in shaping students' character and making them responsible citizens who love their homeland.


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How to Cite

Chairul Mukiyat, Jaiman, M. Erizman Hirdi Prayogo, Norma Yanti, Lu’lu’atul Latifah, Norita Dwi Anggari Aruan, Illya Sepridiana, Herma Ria sari, Viola Yolanda Fausanah, & Safira. (2023). Monday’s Flag Ceremony Activities as a Representation of Love For the Homeland and Improving Character Education for All Students in Village Pulau Cawan. Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works, 2(4), 311–320.


