Numerical solution of a Volterra integral equation


  • Ahmed Abdulkareem Hadi Mathematics Science, Ministry of Education, Directorate of Education Baghdad Al-Rusafa



Numerical Solution, Volterra, Integral Equation, Second Kind, Hermite Polynomials


This work deals with a generalized nonlinear Volterra integral equation of the second kind, in whose kernel the unknown function occurs with two different arguments. The equation is solved by a collocation approach with piecewise Hermite polynomials. When using polynomials of degree 2 m- 1, m e N, and suitable quadrature formulas, the method has the order 2 m. The collocation points must be chosen in accordance with a stability condition.



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How to Cite

Ahmed Abdulkareem Hadi. (2023). Numerical solution of a Volterra integral equation. Formosa Journal of Applied Sciences, 2(5), 823–836.


