The Role of Mediation in Civil Case Settlement Banyuwangi Court


  • Ainu Rofiq Universitas wisnuwardhana malang



Dispute Resolution, Decision of Peace Deed, Post Mediation


It is clear from the research and analysis that the Banyuwangi District Court's procedure for settling Civil Case No. 12 / Pdt.G / 2018 / PN. Byw went through three stages and was in compliance with PERMA No. 01 of 2008 concerning Mediation Procedures in Courts. The Pre-Mediation Stage, Mediation Process Stage, and Post-Mediation Stage are some of these stages. In Civil Case No. 12/Pdt.G/2018/PN. A violation of contract and an illegal act formed the basis of the complaint. At the first trial in this civil action, the court attempted to mediate a settlement for the parties, and the mediation's conclusion was mutually agreed upon, stated, and affirmed in the judgment and stipulation of the Deed of Peace No.12/Pdt.G/2018/PN.Byw.


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How to Cite

Ainu Rofiq. (2023). The Role of Mediation in Civil Case Settlement Banyuwangi Court. Formosa Journal of Applied Sciences, 2(8), 1821–1830.


