Internal Communication Between TKI and PT Alfira Perdana Jaya Distributor


  • Nophiani Agustin Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati Cirebon
  • Farida Nurfalah Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati Cirebon



Internal Communication, TKI, Training, Internal Relations


Indonesian workers or commonly known as TKI are Indonesian citizens who are working or looking for work abroad with the intention of finding economic opportunities, to realize these jobs there must be communication with the distributor, namely PT Alfira Perdana Jaya. The purpose of this study is to understand how internal communication between migrant workers and the distributor of PT Alfira Perdana Jaya and the internal communication obstacles between migrant workers and the distributor of PT Alfira Perdana Jaya. The approach method used is qualitative through documentation and in-depth interviews with a number of migrant workers and distributors, so that in conducting interviews they carry out the purpose sampling technique method, namely in collecting data first studying and exploring several journals, books, and related documents. The results and conclusions of this study are that internal communication between TKI and TKI can be done through various ways, such as social media, messaging applications, or face-to-face meetings if they are in the same place, then Internal Communication of TKI (Indonesia Manpower) to Distributors, the distributor provides comprehensive communication for all TKI, the last is Internal Communication of Distributors to TKI (Indonesia Manpower),  PT Alfira Perdana Jaya gave directions to migrant workers regarding the tasks they will perform in their new workplace. However, there are significant challenges or obstacles in internal communication between migrant workers and distributors, such as differences in language, culture, and understanding.


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How to Cite

Agustin, N. ., & Nurfalah, F. (2024). Internal Communication Between TKI and PT Alfira Perdana Jaya Distributor. Indonesian Journal of Advanced Research, 3(8), 1275–1286.


