Impact of Work-Life Balance and Work Engagement on Innovation Work Behavior


  • Teguh Setiawan Wibowo STIE Mahardhika



Work Life Balance, Work Engagement, Innovative Work Behavior


Workers are human resources who function as the most important asset in moving a company so that it can compete or survive with its competitor companies in achieving its goals. To be able to compete or survive this situation, companies need workers who are able to work well and carry out unlimited innovations for the benefit of the company. In the post-Covid-19 era, many companies still implement a work from home system where workers do not need to always go to the office and hold meetings or negotiations with clients via an online system so that work can be completed anytime and anywhere (no restrictions). Without realizing it, this change in work patterns makes the boundaries between personal life and work become blurred, where work is no longer limited by the term "working hours" or the lack of work-life balance. In the absence of work-life balance, workers will experience excessive stress which will have an impact on the intensity of their work involvement, where there will be a decrease in work quality, pride, dedication, motivation, thus having a negative effect on workers' behavior in making innovations. In this article, work-life balance and work engagement of workers have a serious impact on increasing innovative work behavior to support the company's future development.


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How to Cite

Wibowo, T. S. (2024). Impact of Work-Life Balance and Work Engagement on Innovation Work Behavior. Indonesian Journal of Business Analytics, 4(1), 171–180.