Leveraging Human Capital for Remote Work: A Case Study of the Cooler and Freezer Repair Industry in Malaysia


  • Eko Riwayadi DBA at The Philippine Women’s University
  • Fankar M Umran DBA at The Philippine Women’s University
  • Maya Monoarfa DBA at The Philippine Women’s University
  • Hendra Noor Saleh DBA at The Philippine Women’s University
  • Anastasia Tahjoo DBA at The Philippine Women’s University




Human Capital, Case Study, Productivity, Competitive Advantage


This case study analysis examines the impact of human capital on the performance, productivity, and competitive advantage of an organization operating in the cooler and freezer repair and maintenance industry. The analysis reveals key findings related to field service operations, customer satisfaction, service quality, and workforce management. The study identifies challenges and opportunities, including skill gaps and training needs, workforce capacity and availability, retention and talent management, and effective communication and collaboration. Based on these findings, actionable recommendations provided to address the identified challenges and leverage opportunities. The recommendations emphasize the importance of continuous training, knowledge transfer, recruitment strategies, employee retention initiatives, improved communication channels, and enhanced collaboration. These recommendations aim to optimize the organization's field service operations, improve service quality, and enhance customer satisfaction. The case study highlights the critical role of human capital in organizational success.  


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How to Cite

Riwayadi, E., Umran, F. M., Monoarfa, M., Saleh, H. N., & Tahjoo, A. (2024). Leveraging Human Capital for Remote Work: A Case Study of the Cooler and Freezer Repair Industry in Malaysia. Indonesian Journal of Business Analytics, 4(1), 279–296. https://doi.org/10.55927/ijba.v4i1.8390