The Effect of Managerial Ownership, Company Size, Liquidity, and Profitability on Financial Distress


  • Selly Mevania Muhammadiyah University Purwokerto
  • Sri Wahyuni Muhammadiyah University Purwokerto
  • Edi Joko Setyadi Muhammadiyah University Purwokerto
  • Nur Isna Inayati Muhammadiyah University Purwokerto



Financial Distress, Managerial Ownership, Firm Size, Liquidity, Profitability


The Covid-19 pandemic requires companies to improve their performance, so as not to experience financial distress. So the purpose of this study is to find empirical evidence of factors that influence financial distress during the Covid-19 pandemic, including managerial ownership, company size, liquidity, and profitability. The population in this study are basic materials companies that are listed on the IDX in 2019-2021. The sampling method in this study used purposive sampling, and 57 samples were obtained. The data analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis. The results of this study prove that the managerial ownership variable does not affect financial distress, that company size has a negative effect on financial distress, and that the liquidity variable, profitability has a positive effect on financial distress. This research makes a scientific contribution to the field of financial accounting in the form of insight into the factors that influence financial distress during a pandemic.


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How to Cite

Mevania, S., Wahyuni , S. ., Setyadi, E. J. ., & Inayati , N. I. . (2022). The Effect of Managerial Ownership, Company Size, Liquidity, and Profitability on Financial Distress. Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis, Akuntansi Dan Keuangan, 1(2), 127–142.