Multiculturalism as a Means of Strengthening Tolerance


  • Muhamad Hanif Fuadi Institut Nahdlatul Ulama Tasikmalaya



Multicultural Education, Tolerance, Communication, Religious Studies, Vocational High School


This study aims to analyze the role of multicultural education in increasing tolerance among students through the approach of communication science and religious studies. The case study was conducted at Bakti Karya Parigi Pangandaran Vocational High School (SMK). The results of the study indicate that multicultural education that is implemented comprehensively can increase attitudes of mutual respect and tolerance among students with different backgrounds. This study provides new insights into how effective communication can facilitate multicultural education as a means of strengthening tolerance.


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How to Cite

Muhamad Hanif Fuadi. (2023). Multiculturalism as a Means of Strengthening Tolerance. Journal of Indonesian Culture and Beliefs (JICB), 2(3), 137–156.