Journal Title : Indonesian Journal of Interdisciplinary Research in Science and Technology (MARCOPOLO)
Scope : Multidisciplinary
Language : Indonesian & English
Editor in Chief : Professor Jen Peng Huang
E-ISSN :  2986-8009
Frequency   Monthly
DOI : Prefix 10.55927
Office : Jl. Sutomo Ujung No.28 D, Durian, Kecamatan Medan Timur, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara 20235, Indonesia.
Email :
Publisher : Formosa Publisher
Citation Analysis : Google Scholar, Scopus, Dimension

The Indonesian Journal of Interdisciplinary Research in Science and Technology (MARCOPOLO) is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal, published by Formosa Publisher, which is a platform for the dissemination of research results from multidisciplinary research regarding education, business, economics, religion, art, architecture, natural science, health sciences, social science, and engineering,   MARCOPOLO publishes articles monthly.

The editors welcome submissions of papers describing recent theoretical and experimental research related to (1) Theoretical articles; (2) Empirical studies; (3) Practice-oriented papers; (4) Case studies; and (5) Review of papers, books, and resources.

MARCOPOLO has been widely indexed and listed by:

1. Google Scholar2. Copernicus International (ICI World of Journals)3. Dimensions, 4. Directory of Research Journals Indexing5. CrossRef (DOI), 6.Scilit, 7. BASE (Bielefeld academic search engine), 8.WorldCat, 9.  Research Bible, 10. ROOT Indexing, 11.GARUDA, 12.IUPUI Libraries,13. Global Index for Continuing Resources, 14. Sherpa Romeo, 15.Citefactor, 16. Eurasian Scientific Journal Index (ESJI),


Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 9 (2024): September 2024
Published: 2024-09-12


  • Boris Johnson's Policy Analysis on Maritime Security in the North Atlantic

    1297 - 1308
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