Effective Online Learning of Interest and Impact on Self-Directed Students in Mechanical Education


  • A Muhammad Idkhan Mechanical Of Education, Faculty Of Engineering, State University Of Makassar
  • A. Muhammad Irfan Mechanical Of Education, Faculty Of Engineering, State University Of Makassar
  • Iswahyudi Indra Putra Mechanical Of Education, Faculty Of Engineering, State University Of Makassar
  • Achmad Romadin Mechanical Of Education, Faculty Of Engineering, State University Of Makassar
  • Mohd Zulfakar Mohd Nawi Fakultas Pendidikan Teknikal Dan Vokasional, Universiti Tun Hussain Onn Malaysia




Online Learning, Interest in Learning, Selft-directed Learning


The internet network greatly supports the smooth conduct of online learning. If the network is inadequate, online learning will be difficult to carry out, thus hampering the learning process and making it ineffective. The high cost of internet packages for large data quotas is also a problem faced by students when accessing services such as Zoom meetings, YouTube, and Google Meet, which require a significant amount of data. Additionally, some areas in Indonesia still have poor internet access or are difficult to connect to the network. Interest in learning is a strong desire within a person that can generate a response, enthusiasm, and motivation, stimulating the brain to command the body to take action. This stimulation leads to engagement in learning activities with the aim of gaining knowledge from the subject being studied. High learning interest among students is expected to foster self-directed learning, enhancing their creativity in seeking various learning resources that can be used as references in the online teaching and learning process, especially during the pandemic era.


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How to Cite

Idkhan, A. M. ., Irfan, A. M. ., Putra, I. I. ., Romadin, A. ., & Nawi, M. Z. M. . (2024). Effective Online Learning of Interest and Impact on Self-Directed Students in Mechanical Education. East Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 3(7), 2851–2862. https://doi.org/10.55927/eajmr.v3i7.10063


