The Use of Internal and External Environmental Analysis in Strategic Management at SMPN 1 Laubaleng, North Sumatra Province


  • Ribka Hernita Sitepu SMP Negeri 1 Laubaleng
  • Hilmi Saputri Nasution SMA Negeri 1 Siabu
  • Eka Daryanto Universitas Negeri Medan
  • Rosnelli Universitas Negeri Medan



Internal and External Environmental, Strategic Management, School, Education Quality


This study aims to analyze the use of internal and external environmental analysis in Strategic Management at SMPN 1 Laubaleng, North Sumatra Province. The external environment and the internal environment have a fairly important role in decision-making efforts to realize the school's vision and mission. This study uses descriptive qualitative research methods by utilizing data in the form of documents, observations and interviews. In addition, literature studies are also used to support existing theories. SMPN 1 Laubaleng has 566 students, consisting of 242 male students and 324 female students, meanwhile, there are 31 teachers, with 18 classrooms. This represents great potential in the region to advance education. There are still many weaknesses in utilizing the results of internal and external environmental analysis, this can be seen in the still not optimal quality of education at SMPN 1 Laubaleng.


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How to Cite

Ribka Hernita Sitepu, Hilmi Saputri Nasution, Eka Daryanto, & Rosnelli. (2023). The Use of Internal and External Environmental Analysis in Strategic Management at SMPN 1 Laubaleng, North Sumatra Province. East Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 2(1), 81–94.