Role of Farmers’ Groups in Increasing Robusta Coffee Farmers' Participation in the Village of Linggajati, Sukaratu District, Tasikmalaya Regency


  • Mela Aruna Agribussines Department, Siliwangi University
  • Unang Agribussines Department, Siliwangi University
  • Riantin Hikmahwidi Agribussines Department, Siliwangi University



Coffee Farmer Groups' Roles, Participation, Robusta Coffee


As one of the most important components of agricultural development, farmer groups must continue to be strengthened in a variety of ways, including by strengthening their roles so that they evolve into strong and independent farmer organizations. Successful agriculture is also characterized by farmer participation in each and every activity. This study aims to determine the level of farmers' participation, the level of farmer group participation, and the link between the levels of farmer group participation and farmer participation. The sampling technique of simple random sampling was used to collect a sample of 42 coffee farmers. Using the Spearman Rank correlation test, the relationship between the significance of farmer groups and farmer participation was examined. The results indicated that the role of the farmer group in all group activities fell within the category of "high." In contrast, the level of farmer participation in all group activities was determined to be moderate by the study. The findings of the relationship study revealed a positive correlation between the level of the role of the farmer group and the level of farmer participation, with a correlation coefficient of 0.262 and a relationship strength classified as weak.


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How to Cite

Mela Aruna, Unang, & Riantin Hikmahwidi. (2023). Role of Farmers’ Groups in Increasing Robusta Coffee Farmers’ Participation in the Village of Linggajati, Sukaratu District, Tasikmalaya Regency. East Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 2(1), 393–406.