Food Preference and Food Consumption of Primary Grade Students


  • Glendoris G. Galia Leyte Normal University
  • Ellen Mae Morano Leyte Normal University
  • John Mar M. Cuayzon Leyte Normal University
  • Josephine B. Buendia Leyte Normal University
  • Clarisa C. Somono Leyte Normal University
  • Leah D. Gravillo Leyte Normal University
  • Alma Sonia Sanchez-Danday Leyte Normal University
  • Ariel G. Salarda Leyte Normal University



Food Preference, Food Consumption, Basic Education Students


This study investigated the food preferences and consumption of elementary school pupils and the factors that influence them. A stratified random sampling with equal allocation was used to determine the respondents of the study from among the pupils in an elementary school in Palo, Leyte. The 3-point hedonic food preference scale and the 3-point hedonic food consumption scale were also used in the study to determine which foods were preferred and consumed by the pupils. The scale used in this study was based on the foods available in the respondent’s environment and the factors reported in the relevant research literature. The gathered data were subjected to different statistical treatments in order to answer the research questions. This study was able to determine the food preferences and food consumption of basic education students. Moreover, the study findings may provide deeper insights into food preference and food consumption among elementary school pupils and contribute useful information to future research.


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How to Cite

Galia, G. G. ., Morano, E. M., Cuayzon, J. M. M. ., Buendia, J. B. ., Somono, C. C. ., Gravillo, L. D. ., Sanchez-Danday, A. S. ., & Salarda, A. G. . (2023). Food Preference and Food Consumption of Primary Grade Students. East Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 2(8), 3479–3490.




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