The Role and Function of Surveyors in the Maintenance of Medical Equipment in Hospitals (Literature Review)


  • Ahyar Wahyudi Indonesian Healthcare Facility Accreditation Agency (LAFKI)
  • Hisnindarsyah Indonesian Healthcare Facility Accreditation Agency (LAFKI)
  • Friedrich Max Rumintjap Indonesian Healthcare Facility Accreditation Agency (LAFKI)
  • Nurhikmah Indonesian Healthcare Facility Accreditation Agency (LAFKI)
  • Buyung Nazeli Indonesian Healthcare Facility Accreditation Agency (LAFKI)
  • Magdalena Sumico Indonesian Healthcare Facility Accreditation Agency (LAFKI)
  • Listyo Yuwanto Faculty of Psychology at University of Surabaya



Surveyor Role, Accreditation, Healthcare Equipment Hospitals, Optimization, Evaluator


This article attempts to delve deeper into the role and function of a surveyor in assessing a healthcare-related element. Through accreditation bodies, a surveyor is expected to be more proactive in carrying out their role and functions. This article employs a literature review by attempting to distill insights from various studies and expert opinions, as well as guidelines published by the Ministry of Health. Through this article, an illustration and a thought on how healthcare equipment in hospitals should be treated are conveyed. As a conclusion from this article, understanding healthcare equipment is crucial, and the role of a surveyor should be optimized. The surveyor's role as a companion and evaluator in this context becomes an essential element in ensuring innovation and the highest standards in healthcare equipment management in hospitals.


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How to Cite

Wahyudi, A., Hisnindarsyah, Rumintjap, F. M. ., Nurhikmah, Nazeli, B. ., Sumico, M. ., & Yuwanto, L. . (2023). The Role and Function of Surveyors in the Maintenance of Medical Equipment in Hospitals (Literature Review). East Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 2(9), 3527–3542.