A Literature Review on the Influence of Availability Bias and Overconfidence Bias on Investor Decisions


  • Fitriana Rahmawati Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Bengkulu
  • Fitri Santi Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Bengkulu




Availability Bias, Overconfidence Bias, Investment Decisions, Cognitive Biases


This research examines the impact of Availability Bias and Overconfidence Bias on investment decisions. Utilizing a literature review approach and VOSviewer analysis, this study explores how these biases affect investor decision-making processes and potential mitigation strategies. The objective is to highlight the significance of understanding and mitigating these biases in achieving more rational investment decisions. The findings underscore the potential negative effects of both biases, leading to overconfident and less rational investment decisions. Awareness of their interplay is crucial, as they reinforce each other's negative effects on investment decision-making. Overcoming these cognitive biases is essential for more effective investment decision-making. This research contributes insights into mitigating biases, aiding in a more balanced and rational approach to investment decision-making.


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How to Cite

Rahmawati, F., & Santi, F. (2023). A Literature Review on the Influence of Availability Bias and Overconfidence Bias on Investor Decisions. East Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 2(12), 4961–4976. https://doi.org/10.55927/eajmr.v2i12.6896