Beyond Memorization: Building Problem-Solving Skills in Sequences for Future Math Teachers


  • Notarte Michelle Joy M. University of Eastern Philippines, Laoang Campus
  • Aguilando Lea Rose University of Eastern Philippines, Laoang Campus
  • Larazi Nathaniel D. University of Eastern Philippines, Laoang Campus
  • Nobis Martin Jr., L. University of Eastern Philippines, Laoang Campus
  • Acebron Apple Erika B University of Eastern Philippines, Laoang Campus



Problem-Solving Skills, Difficulties, Mathematical Sequences


This study looks into how future math teachers solve problems when dealing with sequences. Data show a worrying trend: none of the respondents received a very high score, and more than 60% received a low grade. The biggest obstacle turned out to be harmonic sequences, indicating a critical knowledge gap. Even simple sequences, such as arithmetic sequences, could be challenging, especially when phrased issues and non-consecutive phrases were included. It's interesting to note that students started using online tools like YouTube lessons as part of a self-help movement. This, however, draws attention to a possible over-reliance on outside sources. The study highlights how crucial it is to reinforce fundamental information across a range of sequence types. Future math teachers can approach and solve sequence issues with more confidence if they have a solid grasp of the fundamentals and have conducted purposeful web research. This will ultimately result in more effective teaching methods.


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How to Cite

Joy M., N. M. ., Lea Rose, A., Nathaniel D., L. ., Martin Jr., L., N. ., & Apple Erika B, A. (2024). Beyond Memorization: Building Problem-Solving Skills in Sequences for Future Math Teachers. East Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 3(9).