A Descriptive Analysis of Parasocial Interactions of Korean-Pop Fans on Indonesian Social Media


  • kiki esa perdana Universitas Tanri Abeng




Parsocial Interaction, Social Media, Kpop


Since kim young sam’s government, South Korea has undergone a massive expansion in the field of culture. The Korean wave is one of their cultural products that entered Indonesians. Many Korean popular culture are consumed by many indonesians, one of which is pop or korean-pop music. By seeing this situations, the researcher is interested in the studying the pattern of interaction between them, especially their parasocial interactions on social media. Social media itself can be effective medium because it has no place or time limitation. The results of this study indicate that the parasocial interactions they carry out is still carried out with asense of pride, eventough they know the idol does not respond back and does not even know about interaction experimence they are having. This research uses the desriptive analysis method because it wants to desribe somrthing more clearly


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How to Cite

esa perdana, kiki. (2023). A Descriptive Analysis of Parasocial Interactions of Korean-Pop Fans on Indonesian Social Media . Indonesian Journal of Contemporary Multidisciplinary Research, 2(5), 859–872. https://doi.org/10.55927/modern.v2i5.5523